Monday, October 28, 2013

I'd Like You to Meet Andrei

God has mysterious ways of working. Mary and I had zero intentions of adopting again. We have a wonderful, hectic family. Marty and Dido have settled in perfectly, Jake is still a struggle but we have support to make it all work. We have a truly amazing life.


I first met Andrei many months ago--- I prayed for him, tried to fundraise for him, and advocated for him at every turn. Certainly someone would be willing and able to commit to this young man before he aged out and was sentenced to die in an Eastern European mental institution.

The clock advanced-- prayer became more fervent and nobody stepped forward. "Why?"

Then it stuck me-- "Why" was because it was OUR FAMILY being called to adopt Andrei.

With only 10 days until he aged out, we frantically filed papers, called and begged congressional staffers (in the height of the government shutdown) to make sure our documents were checked in in before his 16th birthday....we made it---NO He made it!

Yes--- he is Andrei!!

All our other adoptions were planned and fully funded before we began the journey--- this time.. not so much.

We expect the entire cost to be $25,000. Tax credits get us halfway so we are trying to raise 12,500 before we travel.

If you are able and so inclined any donation would be appreciated.

Andrei's You Caring Site

I will start updating more frequently when we know more about travel and have more to share. Until then, lease keep us in your prayers!

Papa, Mama, Andrei and family!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Another Dido Birthday!

A wonderful birthday today for Deyan. A joyful day for us and him. 

I can't help but think back on that day 7 years ago when his parents' hopes and dreams were dashed. What were they told? "He will never smile, nor walk. He is not suitable to be in a family". How hard that must have been to have 9 months of dreams smashed by one doctor. A lifetime of 'could have been's' lost in an instant. Iknow. We were there with Matthew Stolz. Had it been a decade earlier we would have been told the same.

To Deyan's birth parents wherever you are. Please know you have a charming, bright wonderful little boy. His soul shines brighter than any I have ever met. You did well. Thanks to the amazing staff at Faith, Hope And Love Orphanage in Burgas for keeping him alive until we could get him. And thanks to baby Jordan for leading us to Deyan Emmanuel.. For God is indeed with us.