Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Wonderful Spring Day!

If this is climate change---sign me up!

We were in the mid 80s today as the boys played outside.

Deyan LOVES the kiddie pool--- Marty "wants" to love it but is still a bit timid..

A Whole New Jake today too! (YAY)

Marie brought Deuce to play --- he is a 9 month old German Shepard--- and the boys all loved it.

Newbie update:

It has been so much fun to watch language blossom with both new boys. They (especially Marty) sign for all basic needs.

Marty LOVES to watch as Emily sings songs and signs to him--- he watches every hand movement.

He has figured out for the very first time in his life that he can communicate his wants and needs--- he does not want to miss any chance to increase his ability to let us know what he wants!

Marty would sign ANYTHING to get him out of the living room (the only play room for the newbies)--Eat? Sleep? Drink? NOPE they are all "Moose speak" for "make a run for it". I think today he finally understands that each sign does not automatically mean you are free to escape.

random thoughts---

We never picked up on it in Bulgaria, but Marty is one VERY smart kid. Our new duty is to make sure that he get the supports he needs to rule the world (or at least his world)

Deyan had a blood draw yesterday---the first time with me---WOW was he unhappy to see me this morning-- grudge boy--- he got better this afternoon,but still was not happy with what I had done to him--- sorry Dido.

The new kids are so settled in---- it is like they have been here forever. Now if we can get Jake's SIB under control I could see "normal" in our future---- Let's go Jakie Bear!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Castless Moose

Marty finally got his cast off today--- poor dude

his arm looks all gross after 6 weeks in there-- a bit swollen and VERY dry and peeling--- he still won't use it yet. Hopefully a few days to get some mobility and a week or so for some strength and he will be back and signing with 2 hands!

I feel kinda bad--- it was a nice day yesterday and we were all outside--- you would THINK we would have enough sense to put sunscreen on the babies who have never seen sun---NOPE!

the good news is that Marty just had a bit of red on his face today---Deyan just some new tan!

Here come some pics from Emily !

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Sleeping Moose

Wow. Hard to believe, but this is the first night I have gotten Marty to sleep since the PEST.  No screams. No sib.  Just 20 mins or so of tosses and turns.

I remember writing Mary from Bulgaria with concern that we might have bitten off more then we could chew with Marty.   Wow. I'm glad I was wrong.  What a  great moose.