Wednesday, June 6, 2012

This Must Stop

re-post from Shelly's blog

May God hold you in His arms and give you the eternal comfort you never knew on earth--- Please tell Jordan we love him

In Loving MemoryLynette2000-2012

She never learned to walk. Her days were spent standing looking over the side of a crib. She never learned to talk, but was said to smile and laugh when someone paid attention to her. She never grew beyond the size of an average 3 yr old, even though she was 11. She liked to play with toys, though I wonder how often she was actually given toys in her crib? She spent her entire life never knowing the love of a family. She died alone in a “specialized institution”.

Today, she’ll be taken off the adoption registry in her birth country. She’ll be moved to the “no longer available” section of our files and “died an orphan” is what I will write beside her name so that every time I open that file, I will remember her.

She died alone while the world sends the message every single day that “those kids” aren’t even worthy of life.
She died alone while governments all over the world send the message that “those kids” are too expensive to raise/too expensive to provide government health care for/can’t contribute as “valuable members of society”.
She died alone while school districts all over the world send the message to parents that “those kids” can’t/shouldn’t be educated causing parents to become exhausted in the fight.
She died alone while “those kids” are born every single day all over the world and parents are told to sign the papers and send them away because they will be a burden.
She died alone because we live in a sin filled world where people would rather believe that life is “all about self” and doing what is easy and comfortable.
She died alone because Christians make excuses for why they “weren’t called for that” or why only “special people” can parent “those kids”.

Her’s was not a happy ending. Her reality is that of THOUSANDS of orphans, who lived and died without anyone ever acknowledging that it didn’t have to be.

Today, I am sad and I am angry.
But, I will remember.

“We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” –David Platt

Her name was Tsveti. 

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